November 13, 2011

Uthapuram Dalits enter temple - The Hindu November 11, 2011

Its an irony that even after 75 years of temple entry proclamation of Travancore, dalits still face discrimination. But it was a reassuring to read about Uthapuram temple entry that change is possible. The preservers of Hindu religion should realize that such discrimination will eventually kill Hinduism in this land. Temples should be opened to not just dalits but to people of all faiths. Such a step will be realistically possible avoiding the extreme opinions of Gandhi who prefers to reason caste system and Ambedkar who encourages quitting hinduism. Ambedkar’s advice of inter-caste marriages should be encouraged to permanently bridge the divide. For the sake of its existence, hindu religion needs dalits more than dalits need hindu religion. Every dalit spurned from temple entry can be a hater of Hinduism.