The writer rightly raised an important issue affecting Indian polity now. Today’s muslim leaders are showing the same attitude that prevailed during the times of Independence. History tells us that Jinnah insisted on being the sole representative of all muslims in undivided India; to disallow congress from fielding muslims. The Owaisis in Hyderabad too claim to be the sole representatives of muslims and are determined not to concede any political space to other parties. Muslim vote, or for that matter any vote is not a monopoly of muslim leaders. Its time common muslims realized this and break out of this political warp which is holding the community back.
Another paradox about muslim vote is that, when the Shahi Imam openly endorses politics, it does not raise any eyebrows; in fact, the Congress uses his popularity, but when Baba Ramdev speaks with political overtones, the Congress men cry foul that religious men should keep off from politics.