November 30, 2008

Shame shame puppy shame!!!

That would be the reaction of the world, at the attacks that India has suffered yet again. The PM’s message is not just disappointing but also irritating. The home minister is in hiding or may be he is busy for a bespoke jodhpuri suit. Is this what we expect from our leaders? Their demeanor in the face of such a crisis is plainly pusillanimous. Can these people be called our leaders by any stretch of imagination? There are no more words in the dictionary for unmanliness; as all have been exhausted describing our Home Minister’s reactions to terror attacks in the past. May be he is hiding for the fear that people might kill him if they get a chance. I would at the least spit in his face, on record, if not hit him.

I consider the leadership, nay, these representatives purely responsible for the death of 200 citizens and many foreigners. What right do these people have to leave us to die? They should not get away with such blood on their hands. If homicide is culpable, I feel such inaction on the part of the govt/agencies should be treated equally and should be made to face the law.
Corruption, kick-backs, nepotism, sleaze are all on one level and can be expected to an extent in a nation of a billion; but such inaction which endangers the lives of citizens should be treated on a different and much serious level. This can not and should not be tolerated by the nation.

System failure, intelligence failure, across the border, center list, state list, jurisprudence, bureaucracy, lack of personnel, outdated weapons, LeT, ISI... are all terms we hear every time after an attack. I don’t care what the reasons and excuses are. The leaders are not elected to list out reasons for their failures. The leader is supposed to act and deliver. Deliver safety and security for its citizens. This is the most basic aim for any government whether elected or usurped. Mr. Home Minister! If you can not do your job, get the fuck out of the office.

I am pained and angered not by the terrorists and the people across the border, but by our own ministers and politicians. We know there are these LeTs, Mujahideens, ISI, SIMIs etc, with in and across the border who are crouching and ready to swoop at us with the most satanic aims. So, what is the government doing to protect us? What extra mechanisms and measures has it come up with to face these threats? Instead of stepping up the security measures, the first thing this govt has done is to scrap tough laws against terror under the pretext of it being misused. On the same logic the internet should be banned as it is being misused; again by the terrorists. What say Mr. Prime Minister?

How ironic life could be! Prime Minister Mr. Singh, being a Sikh is acting so un-sikhly. He would do well if he remembered the faith of Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Gobind Singh and their actions in the face of terror. They preached the concept of liberty, equality, fraternity, self-defence and self-sacrifice. Dear Mr. Singh, Have you missed learning the principle of self-defence in your faith?

Guru Gobind Singh writes in Zafarnama:
“When all efforts to restore peace prove useless and no words avail,
Lawful is the flash of steel then, and right is the sword to hail.”
(The Epistle of Victory, 1390, Dasam Granth)

Would your actions or rather stark inaction be approved by your gurus? What would you answer them when you go there?

And Mr. Home Minister, you being from the region of the erstwhile Hyderabad state, you do know terror and its ideology better than anyone as you would have faced it during the independence of Hyderabad state. It should have been easy for you to be attitudinally pro-active and take extra measures. But you instead showed utter diffidence and cowardice every time.
By the way, I understand you belong to the Lingayat sect. Would you please recollect what your faith says in ‘Ganachara’ of the ‘Panchachara’ principles? It says one should not tolerate ill-treatment of men and animals.
Again, an irony here is that the term ‘Linga’ connotes a sense masculine vigor; yet our Minister is so very … you know.

Mr. Patil, you were given not one, but many chances to set things right. But it only cost us hundreds of more lives. You are accountable for their murders.
Mr.Shivraj Patil, you have blood on your hands. And I hope this will haunt you for the rest of your life.

These congress men have made India a laughing stock in the world nations.
Shame..would be the word that sums up all my feelings; for these deaths are of our own making.


Unknown said...

Couldn't agree more :)

Unknown said...

But the point is who chose these leaders, we only .... a part of this blood is on our hands too.

We cant attack pakistan also ...becoz then we have to face the wrath of probably the whole islamic world maybe including the arabs as well.

So whats the solution for this , it might lie with what israel did after the munich olympics incident.

But point is who has the balls to give that kind of an order. I think indians have become too much god fearing if not decaded by the fear of god concept.

Simha said...

Partlty Agreed.

We have to blame ourselves for the situation we are in by just giving the deaf ears to everything happening across the cross border.

As you have said war can't avert any other terrorist activity going to happen. On the other hand it adds fuel to the fire.

Moreover with the kind of administrators we have, i dont think anything is goin to change other than some new commissions being introduced to investigate the details.

Instead we, the people needs to change. Elect people who can bring the change. Do your minimum responbility as a citizen of india.
Did u ever thought of what you can do for the nation instead of complaining about evry damn thing.

What we need to do is to Be a part of change.

Make every administrator accountable for every such heinous act.

I wonder always why any of our political leaders dont get killed in any of these terrorist activities.

Dont they deserve even that.. !!!!!

S.Ach said...

So much has been said....i have nothing significant to add. :)

moved from ---- Anger to helpness and finally to indifference.

Beat me with a cane if you want, but somehow I have stopped worrying and started loving the bomb :D