November 10, 2009

Abu Azmi Vs MNS: Pull no punches!!! Just Knockout!

Hooliganism taken into the assembly to its highest pedestal. This is what happens when the lumpen elements of the society get the reins of democracy. Democracy being brought down to physical level is not the first time in this country. But slaps, punches and shoves are the new lows different from just hurling of mikes in the previous bouts.

May be all the parties are responsible for this situation by not setting appropriate standards and decorum. When in Rome one should be like a Roman. When Abu Azmi and other north Indians made Mumbai their home, they should also have learnt Marathi and shown equal respect to the languages of Maharashtra. Abu Azmi can make his life in the maratha land and can become peoples representative in the Maharashtra assembly but he is not ready to speak Marathi. This can not be overlooked in the name of respect to national language. By insisting on not speaking in the local language, he has certainly behaved in a way that discriminated against marathi.
So, the provocation is from the settler.

India migrants need to learn a lesson from the Parsi Community which has enriched the Indian society by integrating themselves into it (you know like ‘Milk and Sugar’), yet maintaining their identity. If such an attitude is nurtured, there would be no friction between the local and the settler.

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